Fine Art Trade Guild – Guild North West Event

Circumstances haven’t really allowed Slater Harrison to throw their doors open to the trade in recent years, so it was great to get a substantial turn out for the Fine Art Trade Guild’s North West event which ColourMount hosted with D&J Simons and Valiani. ColourMount and D&J Simons have worked together in Framing for over 40 years, developing mountboard grades and bringing ideas to reality for the trade throughout that time. Paul and Rachael Bowden discussed this development process, and some of the “do’s and don’ts” in the manufacturing process.

Meanwhile, Sheila McCumby from Frame Ready demonstrated her software platform which helps towards making businesses more profitable.

Managing Director, James Braddock conducted tours of the mountboard manufacturing facility, talking the groups through the process from receipt of raw material through to warehousing, via production and Quality control. “The level of engagement from the groups was excellent.” Commented James “Some really interesting comments and questions, and for people to take a day off work to visit the event is a commitment not to be underestimated”

Ben and Joe from Simons, accompanied by Robert Simons demonstrated a Valiani with their usual ease and competence whilst several of our visitors looked on in awe.

Louise Hay of The Fine Art Trade Guild said “The Guild North West event gave our team a unique opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes peek at the innovative product development and manufacturing taking place at Slater Harrison. We enjoyed a fascinating tour of Lowerhouse Mills with MD James Braddock and being in small groups allowed time for in-depth conversations and demonstrations. I’m normally manning a stand or running around at events, so made the most of being able to chat with Sheila McCumby of FrameReady after her talk and took time to watch the Valiani demonstration from the D&J Simons team, without distraction. Everyone at Slater Harrison went out of their way to make us feel welcome, and we’re looking forward to planning more Guild events with them in the future”

Many thanks to The Fine Art Trade Guild for supporting the event. Let’s look forward to the next one